ShiFu Gabe Chang
Shi-fu Gabe has been training at Gaithersburg IFC Martial Arts and Fitness since 1997 and currently holds a 3rd degree Black Belt Sash under Shi-Ye Dunphy and a 4th degree Black Belt Sash with The World Kuo Shu Federation. He is a multiple medalist at the prestigous U.S. International Kuo Shu Championship Tournament. Shi-Fu Gabe has studied and reached skillfull proficiency in external Kung Fu styles as well as internal martial arts styles. He is an Instructor to the USKSF Black Belt Sashes as well as Chief Instructor of the Xtreme Fitness Program.
In addition to his many physical accomplishments, Gabe is also well known in the International Chinese Martial Arts community for his many years as an announcer, coordinator, judge and referee at the International Kuo Shu Championship Tournament.
In 2010, Gabe became one of less then 5 persons, from USMAC who earned the distinguished honor of having earned a 3rd degree Black Belt-Sash. He is honored to have been tested by Lei Tai Chief Judge and Instructor Shi Ye Joe Dunphy.
Certifications and Awards:
- Earned 3rd degree Black Belt-Sash
- Earned 4th Tuan Black Sash with TWKSF
- Official Citation from the Senate of the State of Maryland for Kuo Shu
- Tien Shan Pai Spirit Award
- USMA Black Sash Excellence Award
- USKSF Certified Judge - Level A
- TWKSF Certified Referee with High Distinction
- Numerous USCKF Recognition and CKFA/Pan-American Recognition Certificates